
Monday, December 5, 2011

Out of Sight

It's been almost a month since I last posted something, and what better way to start again than this touching animation. You can check out the making-of right HERE.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The coffee girl

She sat there, looking through the bar window without saying anything. Her eyes where lost somewhere near the infinite and a turmoil of ideas was boiling in her head. She didn't knew what to say, and it was easy to know, I only had to watch how she softly bit her bottom lip in that kind of way only she did.

While we were sitting in those bright red comfy seats the bar noise started to surround us. The coffee machine's beep, the quick steps of the waitress, the sound of plates hitting the table, people chatting about business, anecdotes or even the autumn weather. All those noises, mixed with our chaotic thoughts led us to just stare at the window, hypnotized by the atmosphere. It wasn't until a sigh came out of her lips that we became aware of where we were. That girl sitting in front of me, that brown-haired, crazy, spontaneous and full of life girl, slowly moved her head away from the window and looked at me with her bright green eyes. In the middle of that bar, in the middle of our problems and chaos, she smiled.


Ella se sentó ahí, mirando a través de la ventana del bar sin decir nada. Sus ojos estaban perdidos en algún lugar cerca del infinito y un torbellino de ideas bullía en su cabeza. No sabía que decir, y era fácil saberlo, yo sólo tenía que mirar cómo se mordía suavemente el labio inferior de una manera que solo ella sabía.

Mientras estábamos sentados en esos asientos rojo brillantes el ruido del bar nos envolvió poco a poco. El pitido de la cafetera, los pasos rápidos de la camarera, el sonido de los platos al chocar con las mesas, el ruido a cubiertos, gente charlando de negocios, anécdotas e incluso del tiempo otoñal. Todos esos sonidos, mezclados con nuestros pensamientos caóticos nos llevaron a simplemente mirar por la ventana, hipnotizados por la atmósfera. No fue hasta que un suspiro salió de sus labios que nos dimos cuenta de donde estábamos. Aquella chica sentada delante de mí, de pelo marrón, loca, espontanea y llena de vida, lentamente apartó la mirada de la ventana y mi miró con sus ojos verde brillantes. En medio de ese bar, en medio de todos nuestros problemas y caos, sonrió.

Monday, November 7, 2011

James Vincent McMorrow - We Don't Eat

Just that, just a song. Enjoy.

Monday Motivation

Lets start this week right.

"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful."
"If you're going to be successful you gotta be willing to give up sleep."

"Solo cuando quieras tener éxito tanto como quieres respirar, entonces tendrás éxito."
"Si vas a tener éxito tienes que estar dispuesto a renunciar al sueño."

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dancing Doctor

Dancey Dancey time. :)

Bow ties are cool, oh yes. I love it haha.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday Motivation

Ok people, it's Monday, so what? Are you going to complain about it? OR are you going to start this fresh week with passion and willing to work your ass off to make what you want to make? If you dont know your answer yet, let me show you a quick vid that a friend sent me last night (it's subtitled in Spanish so everybody can understand it).

"Maybe I led you to believe that basketball what a God-given gift, and not something I worked for ...every single day of my life."

So, it's up to you.

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